Future pedagogues-psychologists improve their practical skills

According to the syllabus and educational programme of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology” for the purpose of improving their practical skills the students should go to special centres.

On 13 October 2016 the student of the groups: ППСК-4-3 and ППСК-4-4 under the leadership of the Master of Social Science, the senior teacher A.T. Ayazbayeva left for the “Centre of adaptation of the adolescents” (Astana city), where the students were given the opportunity to have trainings and apply their knowledge in practice. In the course of training the students demonstrated good knowledge of the age peculiarities in selecting exercises and also could present the children with good spirit.

The meeting of the guests and children of the Centre passed in a friendly atmosphere. In the course of the training the children shared their feelings and expressed gratitude to the students for the meeting and presents.