Head of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Disciplines


Tazhbenova Gulzhan Daltonovna

Position: Head of the Department

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of technical sciences (1993)

Scientific, academic title: Dcent of Economics of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2001)

Education: Tselinograd Civil Engineering Institute, 1986, specialty: “Industrial and civil construction”; Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2013, specialty: “Finance”; in 1993 she defended her candidate thesis in the specialty: 05.23.05 at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev.

The Disciplines taught: state regulation of the economy, statistics, and business economics.

Awards: letter of gratitude from the Mayor of Astana to the National Currency Day; awarded the title of “Teacher-Researcher” by the decision of the Presidium of the Public Association of Scientists and Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Kazakh Academy of Education”; certificate and diploma of the supervisor for the best scientific student work.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works:

  1. International scientific and practical conference “Современные проблемы гуманитарных и социальных наук”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Eurasian Humanities Institute. December 9, 2016 Astana
  2. Современные аспекты развития государственного аудита в условиях модернизации экономики Казахстана // Economics and Finance, No. 10 – Ukraine, 2018. С46-53, ICV = 74.6
  3. “К вопросу о повышении эффективности деятельности молоко перерабатывающих предприятий в Казахстане в современных условиях”, Vestnik EAGI, – Astana, – ISSN 1999–4214 pp. 31-36
  4. “Финансово-экономическая оценка государственных инвестиционных проектов”, International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”, p.327-330, Astana -2018
  5. “Формирование и совершенствование механизма устойчивого развития экономических система” (state registration number 0114U006192) of the scientific journal “Economy and Finance” (Ukraine).
  6. “Государственные меры по реализации программы обеспечения населения жильем”, Siauliai, Lithuania, 09/21/18
  7. “Арендный рынок как перспективное направление обеспечения населения жильем”, International scientific and practical conference, “New financial model as a factor in improving the well-being of Kazakhstanis” January 25, 2019
  8. “Тенденции развития рынка недвижимости в Казахстане” International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”, December 6, 2019
  9. ” Цифровые технологии в строительной отрасли ” Digital Finance 2020 = Digital Finance 2020 (DF2020): collection of articles from the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow, RUDN, February 7, 2020 – Moscow: RUDN, 2020. – 338 p. ISBN 978-5-209-10276-2
  10. “Пути совершенствования механизма стабилизации банковской системы Казахстана” Materials of the Republican online scientific conference of students and undergraduates “SCIENCE AND NEW GENERATION – 2020”, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasyr al-Farabi and the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbaev / Under the general editorship of A.K. Kusainov. – Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2020. – 200 p.
  11. Ипотечное кредитование в РК (на примере Жилстройсбербанк Казахстан) Materials of the Republican online scientific conference of students and undergraduates “SCIENCE AND NEW GENERATION – 2020”, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasyr al-Farabi and the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbaev / Edited by A.K. Kusainov. – Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2020. – 200 p.
  12. Sustainability of EU fiscal advantages: what to tax? Bulletin of NAS RK №1 2020
  13. Textbook ” Финансирование и кредитование инвестиции ” Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2020. – 131 p.
  14. Debt and investments: analysis of selected countries. Entrepreneurship and sustainability issues. Number 8(2). ISSN 2345-0282. Scopus, Q1
  15. Совершенствование развития рынка ценных бумаг в Казахстане. Scientific and practical journal “Currency regulation. Currency Control” No. 2 / 2021, Moscow of the Russian Federation ISSN 2074–6806. RSCI
  16. Перспективы целевого использования пенсионных накоплений населения Казахстана. Materials of the Republican scientific online conference of students and undergraduates “SCIENCE AND THE NEW GENERATION – 2021”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Under the general editorship of A.K. Kusainov. – Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2021. – 267 p. ISBN 978-601-80699-6-3.
  17. Оптимизация финансово-экономического состояния агроформирования на основе управления оборотным капиталом. Materials of the National scientific-practical conference. SCIENTIFIC SUBSTANTIATION OF THE STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AIC AND RURAL TERRITORIES IN THE XXI CENTURY. Volgograd

Field of scientific researches: economic security

Professional achievements:

  1. 2017 – Certificate for participation in the round table “Проблемы и перспективы развития финансовой системы РК на современном этапе”;
  2. 2017 – Certificate of participation in the scientific and methodological seminar, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor YarSU named after. P.G. Demidova V.V. Kozlova “Психологическая компетентность преподавателя вуза: понятие и структура” and “ Корпоративная культура и внутренние коммуникации ”, EAGI, Astana (72 hours);
  3. 2017 – Certificate for participation in the research course on the program “Advanced course in Financial Analysis, Management and Economics” (PRC, Urumqi, Xinjiang University MBA);
  4. 2017 – Certificate of participation in the scientific and methodological seminar, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Omsk State University named after Dostoevsky T.D. Sinyavets ” Методические основы научных исследований “, EAGI, Astana (72 hours).
  5. 2017 – Has successfully completed the Springer nature training. How to use. How to publish.
  6. 2017 – Future energy forum/2017. Astana.
  7. 2017 — “Институциональные преобразования в государственном аудите в контексте приоритетов модернизации 3.0.” on the basis of the communication platform “G-global”, ENU.
  8. 2017 – “Современные методы преподавания экономических дисциплин”, KazUEFiMT.
  9. 2017 – “Секторально-факторная теория экономического развития стран и регионов”, Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
  10. 2017 – “Современные проблемы гуманитарных и социальных наук”, Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
  11. 2018 – “Түркі халықтарының латын әліпбиіне көшу тәжірибесі”, Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
  12. 2018 – “Критериальное оценивание в обновленной образовательной программе”, Center for Pedagogical Excellence of AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”.
  13. 2018 – “Применение технологии мышления в преподавании общественных и педагогических дисциплин”, Astana premium consulting.
  14. 2018 – ” Инновационные методы преподавания содержания обновленной программы образования “, Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
  15. 2018 – “Economical transformation of the Eastland market economy”. Siauliai University. Lithuania.
  16. 2018 – “Академияалық және басқару дербестігін кеңейту жағдайындағы ЖОО білім беру қызметі”, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  17. 2018 – ” Цифровизация в учебном процессе ” with a volume of 72 hours. Eurasian Humanities Institute.
  18. 2018- Применение технологии технического мышления в преподавании общественных и педагогических дисциплин (72 hours), Astana Premium consulting.
  19. 2019- “Has successfully completed the official spriger nature training how to use how to publish”. Eurasian Humanities Institute.
  20. 2019- The impact of new technologies on financial development in the context of integration, Eurasian National University.
  21. 2019 – Eurasian Higher Education Leadership Forum 2019 “Выпускники, готовые к будущему”, Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
  22. 2019 – Seminar on the topic “ Антимонопольный меры и расследования как механизм пресечения монополистической деятельности развития добросовестной конкуренции ” Eurasian Humanities Institute.
  23. 2019 – International scientific and practical conference “От идеи к реальности: к 25-летию евразийской инициативы Первого Президента Республики Казахстан – Елбасы Нурсултана Назарбаева”.
  24. 2020- Advanced training courses ” Экономика и менеджмент на предприятии ” JSC “Volgograd Humanitarian Institute” of the Russian Federation, Volgograd
  25. 2020 – Advanced training courses ” Финансовое планирование и финансовый анализ деятельности предприятия ” LLP “Center for advanced training of specialists” Nur-Sultan
  26. 2020- Refresher courses “Применение статистических методов анализа в экономических исследованиях” LLP “NMC “ZIAT”, Nur-Sultan
  27. 2020 – Online advanced training courses “Инновационные образовательные технологии и диактических модели” within the framework of the Erasmus + International project “Modernization of higher education in Central Asia through new technologies”. ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov within the framework of the International Erasmus + project
  28. 2021 – Advanced training courses “Международная экономика” LLP Center for Educational Technologies Expert Seven Start, Nur-Sultan
  29. 2021 – Refresher courses Application of innovative technologies in teaching the discipline ” Управление изменениями ” LLP “NMC “ZIAT”, Nur-Sultan
  30. 2022 – Seminar-training ” Инновациялық технологиялар: білім берудегі интеграция “, Nur-Sultan, Nazarbayev University.