Preventive measures against religious extremism and terrorism discussed in EAGI

On 22 September 2016 in EAGI there was delivered a lecture on preventive measures against religious extremism and terrorism. The specialists from the Centre of researching the problems of religions of Astana Akimat Aibasova Arailym and the Head of the Public Fund «Ареал», the member of the informational-explanatory group Rutembekova Aiman were invited to deliver a lecture.

I the course of their speech the lecturers accounted for the threats coming from the adherers of radical and destructive flows, called for the youth to understand the continuity of religions and traditions in the right way, designated different factors of the negative influence of such trends and the methods of involving in terroristic actions.

It is worth marking that this lecture has been organized within the framework of the programme: “Preventive measures of religious extremism and terrorism” for 2013-2017 for the purpose of improving religious literacy of the population.