IV season of the dance project “DANCE, HEALTH!” determined the winner

The fourth season of the dance project “DANCE, HEALTH!” started on November 1, at the initiative of the Eurasian Institute of Humanities, together with the Drug Enforcement Administration of DIA of Astana city and the Department of Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption of Astana city.

Various dance styles were being taught to everyone interested for three weeks by the students-choreographers. The final round was held on November 25. The teams of all departments of the Institute demonstrated their skills in such nominations as “Folk dance” and “Modern dance”.

According to the results of the project the departments, which presented their dancing groups, were awarded with diplomas. So, the team of the Department of Pedagogy was awarded in the “Best modern dance” nomination, the team of the Department of Kazakh and Russian Philology became the “Kings of the dancefloor”, the Department of State and Legal Disciplines won the “Discovery of the year” nomination and the “Mind-blowing show” nomination was given to the Department of Foreign Languages. The “Winners” nomination together with a Cup was won by the team of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Disciplines.

For the organization and execution of the IV season of the dance project “DANCE, HEALTH!” Colonel of police, Ilyinych Sergey Sergeevich handed over letters of appreciation of the Drug Enforcement Administration of DIA of Astana city to Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs, Tyrnakhan Nurgul, choreographers of the Committee on Youth Affairs (Kubash Madina, Artysheva Leila, Dostanova Dilnara, Bilalova Aruana, Syzdykova Meruert, Medetbekov Kainar, Tolegenov Daniyar, Rebkovec Inna, Kanatova Tattygul, Abusalim Aigerim) as well as the hosts of the event – Akhmetov Iram and Tursunbekov Iliyas.

Congratulations were also expressed by the chief specialist of the Agensy for Anti-Corruption of Astana city, Kenebaeva Almagul Ersinovna, Prorector on educational work of EAGI, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent, Ospanova Yaroslava Nikolaevna, and artistic director of the “Shalkyma” dance ensemble, Isekeev Abdirasul Nazhemedenovich.

Dance teams of EAGI showed vivid performances to the audience and made a beautiful and unforgettable festive event.
