Kazakhstan is a Country of the Great Steppe


On 20 September 2016 there was organized the curator’s hour for the students of the specialty: “The Kazakh Language and Literature” (groups: КЯЛ-15-01 and КЯЛ-15-02) on the theme: “Kazakhstan is a Country of the Great Steppe”, devoted to the 25-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During the event the curator of the groups, Master of Philology, the senior teacher G.S. Rainbekova told about the great achievements of our country since gaining independence and also she presented a new unique product in the sphere of digital technologies – the supplement “Kazakhstan is the Country of the Great Steppe”. This supplement is a real digital encyclopedia, embracing a wide range of the themes including geography, history, society, culture, the state, international relations, economy, tourism, Astana and “EXPO-2017.

The exclusive photos and video materials of the cognitive character not published before attracted the attention of the learners.