Kussayinov Readings «Science and Education in the XXI-st Century: Tendencies and Perspectives».
On December 8, 2023, at 10.00 am the A.K. Kussayinov Eurasian Humanities Institute is holding an International scientific and practical conference – Kussayinov Readings «Science and Education in the XXI-st Century: Tendencies and Perspectives».
Scientific directions of the conference:
- Pedagogy and psychology in the modern system of humanitarian education of the XXI-st century.
- Actual problems of social and humanitarian sciences.
- Actual problems of linguistics and literary studies.
- Foreign philology and linguodidactics.
- Law and modern economy: new challenges and development prospects.
Format of meetings: the Plenary meeting, the Round table.
There will have been prepared the electronic collection of the materials by the beginning of the conference.
For publication of the materials of the conference it is necessary to send the order for the participation and the text of the report by 15 November 2023. Registration payment is 2500 tenge.
Working languages – Kazakh, Russian and English.
All the participants will be given certificates.
Requirements to the reports’ registration
The text must be typed in Microsoft Office Word. For the reports – cipher: Times New Roman, size 14, interval-1.5. the volume of the text –up to 5 full pages A4. Margins – from the left – 3 cm, from the top, bottom and right – 2 cm;
- On the right top part of the page – full name of the author( or authors) in lower case, academic degree and title; below – the name of the city, full name of the institution, in which the work had been done;
- In the centre: the title of the article with capital letters, then the text follows;
- References to literary sources are given at the end of the article;
- The text of the article should be represented in the electronic type;
- The materials presented after the dead-line or written not according to the requirements are not accepted and are not returned; the organization committee has the right of selecting the articles;
- the text must be edited and corrected by the author.
Materials are required to be sent to the address:
A.K. Kussainov Eurasian Humanities Institute, Zhumabayev Prospect, 4, Astana-city, 010009
e-mail: Konf.eagi@gmail.com, +77074314992, +7(7172) 561933
In the form of the order fill in: the full name of the participant, place of the work, academic degree and title, the name of the section, the theme of the report, contact telephones, e-mail.
Registration payment is transferred through IIC КZ806010111000036337
Joint Stock Company «Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan» s. Astana,
BIN 990140001808, BIC HSBKKZKX, KBe 17, payment purpose code 861