Language and Spirit

On 20 September the Week of “Language and Spirit” was opened. It was organized by the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology of the Eurasian Humanities Institute. The event was timed to the Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan and was devoted to the 25-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the beginning of the party the Prorector of the Institute on the educational and scientific work, DHSc., Professor K.A. Akhmetov made a greeting speech. The Prorector of the Institute on the educational work, CPSc., Docent Ya.N. Ospanova and the Dean of the faculty, CPh.Sc., Docent K.A. Mamadil also took part at this event.

The organization of the party was at a high level. The event passed officially and festively so that the guests and the participants enjoyed the party. In the course of the party the students recited the epic and poetic works. The Uigur dance became a particular picturesque moment of the party. The senior teacher of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology, Master of Pedagogy, A.Ye. Alimbayev was responsible for conducting the party.

On behalf of the Department we express gratitude to the student of the 3-rd course of the specialty: “The Kazakh Language and Literature” M. Syzdykova and the student of the 2-nd course K. Medetbekov for participation in the organization of the concert.