Meeting of the club«АСЫЛ ЖҮРЕК» with Belorussian scientists

On 1-st February, 2021 Docent of the Department of Pedagogy A.T. Ayazbayeva and the members of the club «Асылжүрек» took part in the web-conference “Children. Risk groups and their peculiar educational needs”, organized by the Virtual laboratory of the inclusive education under Kaz.NPU named after Abay. The speakers of the event were famous Belorussian scientists: Khitryuk Vera Valeryevna, the director of the Institute of the inclusive education of the Belorussian state pedagogical university named after Maxim Tanka, D.P.Sc., Docent Feklistova Svetlana Nikolayevna, deputy director of the Institute of the inclusive education of the BSPU named after M.Tanka, C.P, Sc., Docent of the Department of special pedagogy Lemekh Yelena Anatolyevna.

The onference was interesting and informative, the listeners got an opportunity to deepen knowledge about the foreign experience of working with children referring to the risk group. We wish the organizers and speakers creative achievements!