Meeting with Employers
On 15 June 2016 at the conference hall of the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held a meeting of the graduate students of the specialty: “Jurisprudence” with the representatives of the DIA of Astana city on the staff work. In the course of the meeting the senior inspector on peculiar messages of the Department of the staff work of DIA of Astana city lieutenant colonel of the police Bekenova zhanar Kosymbayevna explained to the graduates the conditions of joining the service in the organs of internal affairs and also gave explanation on the social package for the employees of the OIA. A lot of questions of the audience were answered by the Head of the Department of Inquiry the Colonel of the police Omarhanov Bahytzhan Salihanovich. He invited our young people to work at the Departments of Inquiry and Investigation of Astana city. For this they have to pass some stages and procedures (medical commission, interview, passing physical normatives).
We are sure that this meeting has passed constructively and it is useful for our graduates who will fulfill the rows of the OIA employees.
Those who got interested in the work in the organs of the police address the tel.:8-778-169-3044, 71-63-88, 71-60-94.