National Currency Day

On 12-th November 2020 the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines conducted the round table “Modernization of the financial-credit system of Kazakhstan in the conditions of a new reality”, devoted to the Day of National Currency – tenge. The moderator of the round table was the Master of economics, the senior teacher Zh.D. Daulethanova.

The Dean of the Institute, C.P.Sc., Docent T.N.Kemaikina and the Head of the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines, C.Tech..Sc., Docent G.D. Tazhbenova made greeting speeches.

The following employers– the partners of the Department: Director of the department of  the “ Centre Credit bank” Balgul Kuanyshevna Kaldybayeva, the Chief of the Department of the development of business of the central branch of “Zhilstroysberbank of Kazakhstan” Nadezhda  Yuryevna  Sheirer and the main specialist of this Departmet Askar Rahimbayev.

In the course of the round table there were discussed the topical issues of the development of the financial system of Kazakhstan. The students and teachers asked the employers questions and expressed their wish to apply the online communication for further closer cooperation.

On the completion of the event there was organized the online blitz game “All about the world of finance” which was prepared by the student of group F-17-01 Seidihan Almira. The students took an active part in the game – answered he questions and demonstrated a high level of knowledge in the theory of finance.