Nauryz –Duman. The Great Holiday Улуса

On 19-th March the scientific-methodical circle «Асыл қазына» organized the holiday event “Nauryz-duman” devoted to the 22-nd of March, the great Day of Ulusa together with the students of group ПМНОк-18-01. This   was aimed at informing the students about the great day of Ulus, education of love for their country, Motherland, popularization of national traditions and customs, forming moral qualities. The learners recited the poems of prominent authors about Nauryz- the great holiday of Ulusa, presented the play about Kydyr ata and Nauryz Kyz, watched the video having the educational  importance, answered the questions of the questionnaire. The event ended with the blessing of Kadyr ata from the play.