Nursultan Ershuov
Dreams come true!
A number of world-class awards are not only our achievement with the coach, but also they are the merits of my teachers who were helping and supporting me in the preparation and participation in different competitions , rendered the moral and spiritual support during my students’ years in EAGI. These people realize and appreciate all the efforts and hard work of sportsmen, they sincerely believe in you and they are the people to rely on and they are great advisors at the same time.
I would like to wish all the staff of this institute long time to live, good health and all earthly blessings.
Nursultan Ershuov,
Master of Law, World-class athlete, World champion in jiu – jitsu,
Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in kick – boxing ,
the champion of Kazakhstan in hand-to-hand fighting ,
the winner of the championship of Kazakhstan in Pankration