Official Initiation of the freshmen to students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute.

On 2 November 2016 at the concert hall of the Palace «Жастар» there was conducted the official ceremony of Initiating of the freshmen to the students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute.

The greeting speech to the students was addressed by the Prorector on scientific and educational work, D.H. Sc., Professor K.A. Akhmetov who

wished the first-year students to achieve the top knowledge, to put into practice their dreams and to have only excellent marks in their test books. Kadyr Abilzhanovich awarded the students Diplomas for winning prizes in the Republican competition of research papers.

Diplomas of the II-nd Degree were awarded:

Imangaliyeva Aiym Aldaberghenovna – the student of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology”. The scientific supervisor: the senior teacher Pahrudinova Zh.I.

Tulesheva Saghira Muratovna — the student of the specialty: “ Foreign language: two Foreign languages”. The scientific supervisors: Docent Ilyassova A.U., the senior teacher: Berlibay A.B.

Diplomas of the III-rd Degree were awarded:

Shaghil Nurgul Duisenbekovna – the student of the specialty: “History”. The scientific supervisor: CHSc., Professor Amanbayev A. Zh.;

Salmenova Zhadyra Kuatovna – the student of the specialty: “The Kazakh Language and Literature”. The scientific supervisor: CPSc., Docent Shormakova A.B.;

Bashirov Nurbol Kaskyrbayevich – the student of the specialty: “The Kazakh Language and Literature”. The scientific supervisor: CPh Sc, Docent Baitanassova K.M.;

Beisebenova Aidana Alibekovna – the student of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology”. The scientific supervisor: the senior teacher Tobagabylova I.A.;

Batyrhanova Meiramgul Nasyrhanovna – the student of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology”. The scientific supervisor: the senior teacher Toyshibekova M.K.;

Aimagambetova Madina Kanghereyevna – the student of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology”. The scientific supervisor: the senior teacher Toyshibekova M.K.

According to the tradition the students of the first course listened to the instructions given by the senior students, took the oath. The Dean of the Institute, CPh.Sc., Docent K.A. Mamadil gave them the “Key” to knowledge and the “student card”. The second part of the concert programme included musical, dancing and poetic performances on behalf of the Committee on the affairs of the Youth of EAGI: the hosts, singers, the jazz band “Golden time”, the dancing collective «Шаттық», the poets’ club

«Аққу», the studio of modern dances, the KVN team “EAGI life” and others.

The Prorector on the EAGI educational work, CPSc., Docent Ya.N. Ospanova also congratulated the first-year students and the parents who were present in the hall on the Holiday. Yaroslava Nikolayevna thanked all the leaders of the CYA for the great holiday prepared by them.

We congratulate our students on their official initiation to students and wish them health and warm human communication, happiness, good spirit, creative success, energy and optimism, love for labour, full social, cultural and scientific life!