Official initiation of the freshmen to the students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute

On 24 October 2018 at the concert hall of the Palace “Zhastar” there was held an official ceremony of the freshmen’s Initiation to the students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute.

The Rector of EAGI Academician Kussayinov Amangheldy Kussayinovicn made a greeting speech and wished the freshmen to achieve the best knowledge, to realize their brave ideas and to have only excellent marks in their record books. Amangheldy Kussayinovich handed the students Diplomas for the prize places in the competition of the research works of the students of the Republican higher educational establishments which was held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in spring of the current year.

Diplomas of the 1-st degree were awarded:

Akpayev Armanseyit and Nurmaganbetova Zarina, the students of specialty: 5В050900 – «Finance». Scientific supervisors: Candidate of Technical Science, Docent Tazhbenova Gulzhan Daltonovna and Director of the Department on managing the assets and development of projects of LP «Airport Management Group» Kudabekov Azizkhan Mussayevich.

Diploma of the 2-nd degree was handed to

Kim Vladislav, the student of specialty: 5В010300 – «Pedagogy and Psychology». Scientific supervisors: Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Professor Ospanova Yaroslava Nikolayevna and Doctor of Psychological Science, Professor Abdrashitova Tatyana Anatolyevna.

Diplomas of the 3-rd degree were awarded:

Vatylyk Vladimir, the student of specialty: 5В030100 – «Jurisprudence». Scientific supervisor: the senior teacher Abeldinov Arman Sadykovich

Aman Karlygash, the student of specialty: 5В011700 – «The Kazakh language and Literature». Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Philological Science, Docent Daurenbekova Laura Nogaybekkyzy.

Yesinbekova Mulkarat, the student of specialty: 5В010200 – «Pedagogy and methods of Primary Teaching». Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogical Science,Professor Ospanova Yaroslava Nikolayevna.

Abish Asemgul, the student of specialty: 5В010300 – «Pedagogy and Psychology». Scientific supervisor: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, the senior teacher of the Department of Pedagogy Bolatbekova Nazgul Zholamankyzy.

The Head of the Department of monitoring of the quality of the educational process Baildenov B.T. handed the freshmen traditional symbols – the Key to Knowledge and the Student ID. Prorector on the educational work, CPSc., Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Ospanova Yaroslava Nikolayevna congratulated the freshmen and their parents on this remarkable event. Addressing the leaders of the Committee on the youth affairs, Yaroslava Nikolayevna praised the well-organized event and on behalf of the Institute administration thanked them for the wonderful holiday!

At this holiday there was a ceremony of awarding the winners of the on-line competition “Miss First-year of EAGI” which was held by the Institute together with the Astana site:

On the results of the competition the student of the 1-st course of the specialty:”Foreign language: two foreign languages” Ospanova Narghiz Miss became First-year of EAGI

The title “ EAGI 1-st Vice Miss First-year” was won by the student of the 1-st course of the specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages” Batyrbay Zhansiya.

“EAGI 2-nd Vice-Miss First-year” became the student of the 1-st course of thye specialty: “The Kazakh language and Literature’ Muratova Alfiya.

The winners were given certificates for free monthly attendance of Yoga school “Angel”.

We congratulate our freshmen on being initiated to the students and wish all of them health, warm human communication, good spirit, creative success, love for labor, energy and optimism, full social , cultural and scientific life!