Psycho-pedagogical service to support inclusive education at EAGI continues its work

By order of the rector of the Eurasian Humanities Institute No. 45 of 23 June, 2015 was created the Psycho-pedagogical service to support inclusive education. The Service coordinator is appointed Master of Psychology, senior teacher of the Department of Pedagogy Toishibekova Maira Kanapiyanovna. In the framework of the Service there are trainings directed on formation of skills of effective communication, adaptation, tolerance and personal growth, developed with the participation of the activists of the EAGI volunteer movement Aizhan Mazhit and Dinara Kairbek. The students-volunteers are already busy working with the students with disabilities and their curators.

An important step was the establishment of the student club “Асылжүрек”. The club members launched the activities not only in the Institute, but in the context of the pre-diploma practice in the kindergarten “Балажан”, where there is an opportunity to practice not only the techniques and methods of psychological research, but also to learn new aspects of the future profession. Work is also underway in the National Guard, here students-volunteers help in adaptation of young soldiers to the conditions of military service (as part of externship).