Round table «Ұлттық тарихтың тарланы»

On 21 February 2020 in the central city library named after M. Auezov within the «Рухани жаңғыру» there was held a round table devoted to the 105-th annivesary of the historian, scientist Ye. Bekmahanov. In this event there took part the second-year students of the educational program “History” of the Eurasian Humanities Institute and the senior teacher Yeslyamova A.Z.

A special book exhibition devoted to Ye. Bekmahanov was organized. In the work of the round table there participated professor of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University MaksatAlpisbesovich, who made a report about the life and creative works of Bekmahanov.

For the active participation in conducting the round table the library administration awarded the students and the senior teacher Yeslyamova A.Z. with a Letter of Gratitude.