Schedule of reception of individuals and legal entities by the Heads of the Eurasian Humanities Institute named after A.K. Kussayinov

Last name, first name, patronymic,
position of the person receiving citizens
The time of reception of citizens Place of reception,
Contact phone number
Nyghymanova Nurbanu Tokenovna– Acting Rector Tuesday -15.00-18.00
Friday 15.00-18.00
Rectorate, 3-rd floor,
tel: 56-19-33
Akhmetov Kadyr Abilzhanovich – Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation Monday – 15.00-18.00
Friday – 11.00- 14.00
Rectorate,3-rd floor,
tel: 56-19-33
Zagatova Saule Bazylovna –Vice-Rector for Academic Work and Strategic Development Wednesday- 15.00-18.00
Friday -11.00- 14.00
Rectorate,3-rd floor,
tel: 56-19-33
Ospanov Sultanbek Saghimbayevich — Vice-Rector for Socio- Economic Affairs Wednesday -15.00-18.00
Saturday -11.00- 14.00
The main building, 1-st floor, tel.: 56- 19-71
Ospanova Yaroslava Nikolayevna — Vice Rector for Educational Work  Tuesday -15.00-18.00
Friday – 15.00-18.00
The main building, 2-nd floor, tel.:49-61-91
Kemaikina Tatyana Nigmatovna — Dean Monday – 15.00-18.00
Wednesday – 16.00- 18.00
Saturday – 11.00- 14.00
Dean’s Office, Academic building №2, 2-nd floor,
tel.: 56-22-56