Spring interactive in EAGI

On 2 and 3 March 2016 the teachers from the United States held the workshop in the Eurasian Humanities Institute within the framework of the annual support program of the intercultural relations.

The invited native speakers are the English teachers of the speaking club “Student life of Astana” (Director Alexey Shunyayev).

David Dubias, Jason Gilbert, Sean Davis, Steve Young presented the seminars on the topics “Leadership: Vision” and “Leadership: Teambuilding”.

The teachers discussed with the students the topics such as: leadership, development of the leading qualities of the strong and strong-willed personality, organization and time management, the ability to cope with stress and avoid burnout. Each workshop consisted of 25-30 minutes of training followed by a 15-20 minute group discussion. The students actively participated in the discussions, asked questions and maintained continuous communication in English. More than 40 students of the second course on the specialties “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” and “Translation Major”, as well as the teachers of the Foreign Languages Department participated in the meetings with the native English speakers.