Teambuilding for the leaders of the Committee on the Youth Affairs
On 11-th February 2021 the Chairperson of the Committee on the Youth Affairs Shakenova Ainur conducted team building for the renewed Committee on the Youth Affairs. During this meeting there were organized different competitions for uniting the first-year students. The new leaders of the student self-government were at the top: they were active at various stages of team building: in competitions, relay races, asked a lot of questions. Besides, the activiststook part in the competition “Karaoke-KDM”, where they demonstrated their vocal capabilities for their new friends.
As the students say, they managed to become closer, to get to know each other better, they felt a part of the team, they overcame shyness, and a lot of them displayed their talents.
The new staff of the CYA were ready to take responsibility for the online/offline events, to take initiative in opening new clubs and circles.