The first course students of EAGI study the national liberation movement of 1916

This year Kazakhstan marks the 100th anniversary of the national liberation movement led by Amangeldy Imanov.

The uprising of 1916 holds a special place in the history of the Kazakh people. In the conditions of imperialism and the First World War, Amangeldy Imanov and other leaders of the uprising raised the people to fight for independence. For the first time since the national liberation movement under the leadership of Kenessary Kassymov the rebellion of 1916 had a Kazakh character, spreading all regions of the extensive edge. Its main task was the national and political liberation of the people.

In this regard, the first-year students within the framework of the educational discipline “History of Kazakhstan” carried out the independent work on the theme “A hundred years of struggle. The national liberation movement of Kazakhs in the XVIII-th and the XX-th centuries” under the guidance of Candidate of Historical Science, Docent M.M. Dzhanpeissova.

The students showed the scientific interest in the study of this subject using in their works the latest research, including photo and film documents. The first-year students creatively approached the study of this question, showing how deep and bright this historical event takes place in the Kazakh literature, art, cinema, in the names of the streets and the squares. The students came to the opinion that after 100 years Kazakhstan keeps the memory of the brave struggle of the Kazakh people and their batyrs for freedom and independence.