The students of EAGI among the best!

On 30 March, 2016 at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University was held the Republican Olympiad on the German language among students of the non-linguistic specialties and the specialties “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” and “Translation Studies”, learning the German language as the second foreign language. The event was organized by the Department of Foreign Languages of the Philological Faculty in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. The students who speak the German language at level A1-B1attended the Olympiad, which was held in three rounds.

Round 1: lexical-grammatical test;
Round2: listening;
Round 3: presentation on the theme “Expo-2017 and our future.”

The Olympiad was attended by the students from the cities of Pavlodar, Petropavlovsk and Astana. The students who represented our Institute were Aitzhan R., Zhaksylykova Zh. of the group ИЯСК-15-01 and Elenbayeva M., Boranbayeva A. of the group ПДК-14-01 from the Department of Foreign Languages.

All four students went to the final round, and according to the results of the Olymbiad Zhaksylykova Zh. and Boranbayeva A. won the II-nd and the III-rd places.