The students of EAGI met the representative of the branch of the youth wing «Жас Отан»

On 3 February 2017 the Astana city branch «Жас Отан»  under the party Нур Отан  organized the meeting with the students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute on the explanation of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and also they presented the perspective plan and some projects of the Youth wing «Жас Отан». The teaching staff and the students of EAGI took part in the discussion. Prorector on the educational work of EAGI the Candidate of Pedagogical Science, docent Ospanova Ya.N.took part in the discussion and wished productive activity to the Chairperson of the Youth wing «Жас Отан» Bolysbek M.  Bolysbek M. got the students acquainted with the work of  «Жас Отан», called the student for spending their time efficiently, to put forward their candidatures for the forthcoming elections of the deputies in the youth Maslihat of Astana city, together with  «Жас Отан» to realize the joint projects and to enter the rows of the youth wing «Жас Отан». The students’ participation in new projects gives the opportunity to obtain experience and provision with jobs, exchange of the experience in national companies, to be volunteers in the international exhibition of ЕХРО – 2017, to hold wide-scale events attracting the youth of Astana city. Such were the perspectives suggested by the wing «Жас Отан». In her speech the Chairperson of the Committee on the youth affairs N. Tyrnyhan marked that the future of the country is our youth and all the conducted events are implemented by the young people.