Uskenbayev Kanat Saduakassovich rendered the on-line lectures for the students of the educational program: 5B020300– “History” at Karaganda state university named after Ye.A. Buketov.

From 23 November to 12 December Professor of th Department of Pedagogy Uskenbayev Kanat Saduakassovich rendered the on-line lectures ” at Karaganda state university named after Ye.A. Buketov for the students of the educational program: 5B020300– “History” of the discipline: “Kazakhstan in the XX-th century” on the module: “Historical role of the Kazakh national intelligentsia at the end of the XIX-th – the beginning of the XX-th century” on the basis of the Agreement about mutual cooperation in the sphere of rendering educational services with higher educational establishments of the Republic of Kazakhstan