We congratulate the students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute on the victory in the competition of the research works!

The students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute won the prizes in the competition of the researches of the students of the Republican higher educational establishments organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The second degree Diploma was received by Imangaliyeva Aiym Aldaberghenovna, the student of the specialty:”Pedagogy and Psychology. The scientific supervisor is the senior teacher Pahrudinova Zh.I.

The 3-rd degree Diplomas were received by:

Shaghil Nurgul Duisenbekovna, the student of the specialty:”History”. The scientific supervisor is the CHSc., Professor Amanbayev A.Zh;

Salmenova Zhdyra Kuatovna, the student of the specialty: ”The Kazakh Language and Literature”. The scientific supervisor is the CPSc., docent Shormakova A.B.;

Bashirov Nurbol Kasyrbayevich, the student of the specialty: ”The Kazakh Language and Literature” The scientific supervisor is the CPh.Sc., docent Baitanasova K.M.;

Beisenbenova Aidan Alibekovna, the student of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology”. The scientific supervisor is the senior teacher Tobagabylova I.A.

Batyrhanova Meiramgul Nasyrhanovna, the student of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology”. The scientific supervisor is the senor teacher Toyshibekova M.K.;

Aimagambetova Madina Kanghereyevna, the student of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology”. The scientific supervisor is the senior teacher Toyshibekova M.K.