We congratulate you on the 75-th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

Dear teachers, employees and students!

We congratulate you on the 75-th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

The 9-th  of  May  is  the   Day  of  Victory  over  fascism, one of the most significant  holidays  that  gave  us life. It is this holiday that contains the force of the non-layered  spirit and the feats of our fathers and grandfathers, brothers and sisters, our personal history, the family history, the country’s  history. The  Victory  Day of  1945 is the symbol of memory and deep respect to all the dead and survived in that terrible war. This Day is still inspiring us  and  the  new generation, and  it is setting the  right benchmarks.

And while we remember this Great Day, let the war never start. What a blessing  it is  to be  born  and  live  in  peacetime and not to see the horrors of the war and not to lose your loved ones and not to be afraid for the lives of relatives!

Our duty is to keep the memory about the terrible war and the feat of the warriors!

We wish all of you peace, joy and health, new hopes and prosperity, happiness and wellbeing!
