Youth Day in Kazakhstan

On 9 February the Department of Economic and Mathematical Disciplines held the roundtable regular meeting of the student of scientific circle “Karzhiger-Financier”. Its theme was “Finansial crisis and its impact on the economy of Kazakhstan”. This meeting was timed to the Youth Day of Kazakhstan.

The event was attended by the students of the specialty “Finance” and the staff of the Department. The Head of the Department, Candidate of Economic Science, Docent Statsurina Yu.A. and the head of the scientific circle “Karzhiger-Financier”, Doctor of Economic Scince, Professor Turekulov D.M. made a welcoming speech to the participants of the meeting and stated their views on the topical problems of modern economy.

The students prepared the interesting presentations, and discussed the most topical issues concerning the financial system and the financial sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The relevance of the reports was confirmed by a large number of interesting questions.