
The Capital Maslikhat Round Table

On 10 March 2017 Prorector on educational and scientific work Of the Eurasian Humanities Institute, Doctor of Historical Science, Professor Ahmetov K.A. took part in…


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Scientific-methodological Seminars for the Teaching Staff and Administrative Personnel of EAGI

On 10 March 2017 within the framework of mobility the Eurasian Humanities Institute organized the scientific-methodological seminars: “Psychological competence of a University teacher: concept and…

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Уважаемые преподаватели, сотрудники и студенты!

Приглашаем на праздник Наурыз, который состоится 16 марта 2017г. С 10.00 в спортзале пройдут спортивные состязания. В 12.00 в Конференц-зале состоится праздничный концерт.


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Open Lecture of Sh. A. Amonashvily in EAGI

On 10 March 2017 at the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was delivered an open lecture: “Conception of Humane Pedagogy” by the Doctor of Psychological Science,…


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The teaching staff of the Department of Pedagogy held a meeting with Vladimir Vassilyevich Kozlov

On 12 March 2017 the teaching staff of the EAGI Department of Pedagogy met a guest – Vladimir Vassilyevich Kozlov, President of the International Academy…


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Round table on the theme: “Sports and Beauty”

On the eve of the spring holiday the members of the circle «Асыл қазына» of the Department of Pedagogy conducted the round table on the…


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The Foreign Languages Department received its guests

On 1 March 2017 the teaching staff of the EAGI Foreign languages Department conducted the Open Doors Day. The participants of the event were the…


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Meeting with school leavers

On 1 March 2017 the teaching staff and the students of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology within the “Open Doors Day” organized…


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Exchange of experience

On 23 February 2017 at school=gymnasium № 7 named after G. Jrmanov with the purpose of improving qualification and the professional level of a pedagogue…

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Visiting specialized centers

With the purpose of improving knowledge and skills of the students the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy planned visiting specialized centres. On 21 February…

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