
EAGI doesn’t forget its graduates!

The Department of Pedagogy of EAGI congratulates the graduates of 2016 on entering the Master degree courses in the leading higher educational establishments of Kazakhstan…


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Getting acquainted with EAGI

On 2-3 September 2016 in the Conference Hall of the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held a meeting of the leadership of the Institute with…


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The meeting devoted to the Day of Knowledge held in EAGI

Today on 1 September 2016 in the Eurasian Humanities Institute there has been held a meeting devoted to the Day of Knowledge. The Rector of…


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The EAGI students met B. Smagulov, the deputy of Mazhilis of the Parliament of RK

On 1 September the National Academic library of RK held the Open Doors Day: «Мәңгілік ел – білімді ел», timed ton the Day of Knowledge…


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The Republican August Pedagogical Meeting of the education employees of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On 18 August the teaching staff of the Eurasian Humanities Institute took part at the August meeting which, according to the words of the Deputy…


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A Dialogue spot on the problem of the formation of the anti-corruption culture

On 4 November 2016 at the Palace of Independence the Department of the Agency of RK on the affairs of the state service and opposition…


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Attention – the draw of the grant for free training!

Do you want to study free of charge? Win the grant for a free training in the leading private higher educational establishment of Astana city!…


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Foreign Language: two foreign languages on the shortened programme of learning

The Eurasian Humanities Institute announces enrollment of the students on specialty: 5B011900 – Foreign Language: two foreign languages on the shortened programme of learning on…


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Conditional enrollment of applicants

For the applicants of 2016, those who didn’t earn the passage point or didn’t take part in the UNT and complex testing, it is allowed…


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The EAGI teachers discussed the issues of the development of multi-languages in Kazakhstan

On 20-21June 2016 at the philological faculty of the L.N. Gumilyov ENU there was conducted the international scientific-practical conference: “Development of multi-languages in Kazakhstan and…


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