
«Опасность интернет ресурсов, пропагандирующих экстремизм и терроризм» онлайн кураторский час

On 23 October 2020 the curator of group ЮК-20-01, the senior teacher of the Department of the Law Disciplines, MLSc. Tortayeva A.E. conducted the curator’s…


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Results of the young poets’ competition

The Committee on the youth affairs of EAGI held the on-line awarding of the winners of the young poets’ competition. The Department of the Kazakh…


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About the academic mobility of the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy

Within the context of realizing the academic mobility among the higher educational establishments on the basis of the agreement “About the mutual collaboration in the…


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Within the context of academic mobility there was conducted the lecture on the course “Pedagogical Mastery”

On 15 October 2020 Lee Yelena Dmitriyevna, the CPSc., Head of the Department of Preschool and primary education of the Kostanay regional university named after…


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We are one team!

On 7 October 2020 the volunteers of the club «Асыл жүрек» conducted the on-line training with the students of the first courses “We are one…


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On-line meeting in the English speaking club

On 13 October at 17.00 there was held a meeting of the English speaking club at the Department of foreign languages under the leadership of…


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The staff of the Eurasian Humanities Institute congratulate the winners of the II-nd stage of the Republican competition of the scientific-research works of the students…

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Abay and Human Humanism

On 8 October 2020 the Head of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology, the CPh.Sc., Docent Daurenbekova L.N., the senior teachers Alimbayev A.Ye….


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Discussion of the annual Message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan

On 28 September 2020 the teaching staff of the Department of economical and mathematical disciplines and the students of the educational program “Finance” conducted the…


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Curator’s Hour

On 5 September in honor of the Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan the senior teacher , Master of Arts G.S. Rainbekov conducted…

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