
Organization of the final attestation in the remote regime

On 28-th April 2020 at the Eurasian Humanities institute there was held a videoconference on the theme: “Organization of the final attestation in the remote…


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About human capital as the basis of modernizing economy

On 27-th April 2020 the scientific student club of the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines of the Eurasian Humanities Institute conducted the round table…


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Бəріміз жұдырықтай жұмылайық!

Президент Қ.К. Тоқаевтың бүгінгі Қазақстан халқына үндеуі карантинде отырған елге үміт сәулесін жаққандай болды. Мемлекет тарапынан көрсетіліп жатқан әлеуметтік көмек, бизнестің тұралап қалмауына жасалып жатқан…

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Information on preventing coronavirus

Attention! By the Order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomar Tokayev From 16 March 2020 in the conditions of the distribution of coronavirus…


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Поздравляем юбиляра!

Уважаемый Марат Ыбырайымханұлы! От себя и сотрудников Евразийского гуманитарного института искренне поздравляю Вас с 80-летием! Мы бесконечно рады, что Вы достигли сегодняшнего рубежа как известный,…


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Meeting with the students on the on-line regime

On 24-th April 2020 there was held a webinar on the theme: “Organization of the intermediate and final attestation in the remote regime”. The representatives…


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Зулайды күндер

For the 1-st year students of the educational program “The Kazakh Language and Literature” there was held a curator’s hour on the theme: «Зулайды күндер»,…

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Competition on the on-line regime to the 75-th anniversary of Victory

Onthe eve of the 75-th anniversary of theSovietpeoplevictory in the Great Patriotic war the Department of Foreign Languages of EAGI organized the competition of translating…


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Distance education on ZOOM platform

On 23-rd April there was held an on-line-seminar on the theme: “Distance education on ZOOM platform”, organized by the Department of the Kazakh and Russian…

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Conference on the results of the internship

That is the end of the internship of future graduates of the Institute! It became a good tradition to complete the internship and to hold…

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