
The students of the specialty: “Jurisprudence” visited the exhibition “Court power in Kazakhstan: history and present time”

In October of the current year, in Astana there will be held the VII-th congress of the judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the…


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We announce reception of applications from the students wishing to take part in the internal and external academic mobility

Dear students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute! We announce reception of applications and collection of documents for those who want to take part in the…

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We are against corruption

On 6 October 2016 at the Eurasian Humanities Institute within the frameworks of the lyceum “Eurasia and the Youth” there was held a meeting with…

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We are learning to be a team

Conducting social-psychological trainings at our Institute became a long-term tradition. The new academic year is not the exclusion. In October there started trainings on the…


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Presentation of the student club «Қаржыгер»

On 6 October 2016 at the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held the annual presentation of the scientific student club «Қаржыгер». The participants of the…


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The teachers of the department of foreign languages took part at the Republican scientific-practical seminar

On 4 October 2016 at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University there was conducted the scientific-methodical seminar: «Brain Research and Learning. How ‘educational neuroscience’ can…


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The EAGI teacher was awarded a Thanks Letter from the PDP «Нур Отан»

In honor of the celebration of the International Day of a Teacher Docent of the Department of Pedagogy of the Eurasian Humanities Institute CPSc. Nyghymanova…

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EAGI celebrated the Day of a Teacher

On the eve of the Day of a Teacher –September, 30th – there was organized the traditional festive concert at the Eurasian Humanities Institute. On…


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Trainers-volunteers began training

From September 13 the preparation of the training team of the students of senior courses of EAGI began on the programme: “Equal to equal”. The…

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The EAGI students attended the concert «Ұлы дала Ұлысым!»

On 24 September 2016 at the Palace of Peace and Accord there was given the gala-concert of the creative collectives of the Zhambyl oblast:«Ұлы дала…

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