
Meeting with public figure Arslanbek Magzum

On March 1, 2022, the meeting was organized for students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute with a public figure, participant in the primaries, Arslanbek Magzum….


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Teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages at the webinar “Principles of language testing: how to create an effective test”

On February 19, 2022, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages took part in the webinar “Principles of Language Testing: How to Create an Effective…


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Students of the Department of Foreign Language at the exhibition “Meta-Universe”

On February 19, 2022, curator, senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages Khassilan Fariza with 2nd year students of the educational program “Translation major”…

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Master class from employers

On February 17, 2022 as part of the study of the discipline “Inclusive Education”, the head of the club “Asyl Zhurek” Ayazbayeva A.T. organized meeting…


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Lectures on social pedagogy as part of incoming foreign academic mobility

On February 17, 2022, within the framework of incoming foreign academic mobility, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, docent of the Department of Social Work and Social…

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Academic mobility of teachers of the Department of Pedagogy

On February 15-17, 2022, as part of outgoing foreign academic mobility, senior lecturer of the Eurasian Humanities Institute Bakhyt Kirgizgalievna Abylkhanova conducted lectures on philosophy…

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Curatorial hour aimed at the prevention of drug addiction among students

February 16, 2022 curator Shokatova A.K. conducted online curatorial hour on the topic “Nashakorlyk – kogamdyk dert” for 1st year students of the educational program…


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Teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages carry out career guidance

On February 15-16, 2022, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages met with graduates of KGU “Secondary School №2 named after Toleu Shakhanov” and “School-Lyceum…

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Goethe-Institut Kasachstan online seminar for teachers of German language.

On February 4, 2022 Doctor of Philosophy, docent of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​Zh.T. Ospanova took part in online seminar for teachers of German…


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Warm feedback from pupils of the gymnasium №87 named after. A. Kunanbayeva about student interns

On February 4, 2022, the educational practice of the 2nd year students of the educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages” ended. Students of the…

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