
Парасатқа тағзым

The scientific creative club «Көкжиек» of the Kazakh national university named after Al-Faraby organized the literary cognitive party «Парасатқа тағзым», dedicated to the birthday of…


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Open Seminar

The Candidate of Philological Science, Docent Daurenbekova L.N. conducted an open seminar on the theme: «Өз отыңды өшірме..» on the ZOOM platform for the students…

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Competition of young poets

Our dear EAGI students, we declare the competition of young poets! Themes: 1. “Ұстаздық еткен жалықпас…”(special theme). 2.”Poetry, менімен егіз бе едің?” (free theme). The…

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Ұстаз – ұлы тұлға

On 2 October 2020 within the context of celebrating the Day of a Teacher the scientific-methodical circle «Асыл қазына» and the students of groups ПМНОк-17-01,…


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Уважаемые преподаватели!

Поздравляем вас с Днем учителя! В этот прекрасный праздник примите самые светлые и добрые пожелания успехов и профессионального вдохновения! Пусть источник вашей многогранной души никогда…

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В столице победитель президентского кадрового резерва провел «Час добропорядочности»

Сегодня Агентство по противодействию коррупции презентовал «Час добропорядочности» в новом формате. Данный «Час добропорядочности» отличился тем, что раскрыл для казахстанской молодежи новую личность, современника и…


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The Eurasian Humanities Institute organized the video-lecture on the theme: “Адалдықтан айныма” devoted to the 175-th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev within the context of the…


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International Translation Day in EAGI

On September 30-th the Department of Foreign Languages organized an online conference in honor of the holiday “International Translation Day”. An introductory speech was made…

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Мен өмірмен таныстым…

The Committee on the affairs of the Youth organized the demonstration of the video film “Your Star Hour” among the students. Due to this the…


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Your finest hour

Can you play the musical instruments?, dance well (folk,modern dances), lead a festive evening, take part in the debates, sing well, demonstrate different talents and…


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